Defining the Field
The Department of Public Relations and Information is an educational program on the strategic management of communication processes carried out by organizations and individuals with themselves and with public & private sectors and media.
Strategic communication is highlighted as today’s communication takes place in digital environments instead of multichannel and conventional media. The scope of the areas where Public Relations Specialists work as communication strategists is expanding, and the importance of their expertise is increasing with each passing day.
This program adapts itself to the new conditions as the course of public relations is changing, and new approaches to this discipline appear. These global developments are reflected in the educational program. The Department of Public Relations and Information has an understanding of public relations that has a holistic approach to the rapidly changing communication environments and the developing technologies, communication methods, and communication processes in this modern world in this age of information and media.
Our Difference
Under the New Project-Based Education Model carried out at this university, all of the courses taught at this program have been turned into an educational model through which the students can work with companies and produce real-time projects.
This department employs a great team of lecturers trained at reputable international universities and specialists experienced in the sector. An efficient consultancy system directs the students to one of the following sub-areas: Corporate Communication, Political Communication, and Digital Communication.
Laboratory and Facilities of the Department
The department has an active Public Relations Club, a PR Atelier, and a Coordinator. This workshop intends to ensure that the students get experience in the applied areas of public relations. The PR Atelier trains the students in various fields such as creative copywriting, development of social responsibility ideas, design of communication campaigns, creation of content, and website designs, and the students are encouraged to participate in the respective competitions.
The students who produce projects at thePR Atelier get an opportunity to win awards and internships from these competitions. These projects and recognition not only contribute to the student’s portfolio but also give them an advantage while looking for a job after graduating.

PR Talks
The “PR Talks” are organized in this department, allowing students to meet prominent people in the sector. This makes it possible for the students to get informed about the developments in the area for which they are trained, meet professionals and be aware of new opportunities.

Erasmus and International Collaborations
Our university has bilateral agreements on Erasmus with 106 universities in more than 20 European countries under the scope of the Erasmus program. We also have agreements with six countries and nine universities that are not within the European Union but under the Erasmus program’s scope. Within the framework of Exchange Programs, we have agreements with 32 universities in 17 countries worldwide. Some universities are in South Korea, China, the USA, Canada, India, and Brazil.
Our Graduates
The Department of Public Relations and Information trains public relations professionals who can design and carry out communication campaigns by efficiently analyzing the relationship among organizations, stakeholders, and target audiences. Our graduates are successfully meeting the requirements of understanding public relations with the skills they have learned during their education to think analytically and solve problems. There is a vast area of employment for graduates from this department. After graduating, the students will be able to work in the positions of researcher, implementer, manager, and communication specialist for:
- public relations companies,
- advertising agencies,
- corporate communication and marketing departments of companies operating in various industries,
- non-governmental organizations,
- political organizations and institutions,
- public sector and various media outlets.

- Alihan Ünal, Marketing Communication Specialist / Monster Notebook
- Birkan Kaya, Digital Marketing Assistant / Teknasyon
- İrem Özkuzey, Digital Marketing Specialist / Accenture Ireland
- Burak Kaya, Corporate Communication Specialist /Bayer
- Şevval İdil Ecevit, Customer Development Specialist / PepsiCo
- Dilek Öztürk, Marketing and Communication Officer / Mondi Group
- Eda Özgür, Digital Marketing Assistant Specialist / Teknasyon
- Yağmur Çoban, Digital Marketing Assistant Specialist / Teknasyon
- İpek Uzunarslan, SP Officer Supervisor / IDP Education
- Emre Meriç, Research Associate / İstanbul Bilgi University
- Zindan Çakıcı, Research Associate / Üsküdar University